As an iPhone app developer, you have a right to be excited about the huge potential market for your applications. With all the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users in the world today, it is inspiring to think of how the best ideas in developing apps can make a splash all over the world.
Remember that your potential audience is composed of over 100 million users around the globe. What if you were able to develop an amazing iPhone app? Can you imagine the rampaging revenues flooding into your bank account?
Now the big question is, how will you be able to do it? This has become a puzzle to a lot of iPhone app developers, and only some are able to solve it. Those developers have successfully invented a real money machine that provides them a stream of income on autopilot.
One of the best techniques there is to have your iPhone app noticed by new customers is to appear on app review sites. These are websites that write articles about the latest apps, and offer their opinions on the best apps to buy. Users rely on many of these sites to help them find the apps that are worth their money, so having your app featured here is an excellent way to increase your visibility and boost sales.
Below are very important tips you can consider in order to boost your iPhone app's chances of being written about on app review sites.
Make initial contact- While you are still in the process of finalizing your app, you should start getting a list of these iPhone app review sites and start having contact with them by sending emails or reaching out through their websites. First, you need to identify yourself as an iPhone app developer and explain you are currently developing an amazing iPhone app. Tell them that you need their help during the launching of your application at a later date. In this way, you will start to gain a good contact. You can also tell them what your app is all about and why iPhone users should have this application. You have to update them of the development so that they become so eager to wait for the launching of your iPhone app, up to the point of them starting to promote your creation.
Send them a well-crafted press release- When your application is ready for the launch date, try to prepare a well-crafted press release explaining how your iPhone app works. This will give them more ideas if they decide to review your app. The press release would also tell them the full description and functionality of your app, as well as explain in detail the benefits that users will enjoy from having this app. The app press release would also tell these app review sites the exact date and launch of your product so that they will have a complete picture of your application.
Send them a video of your app- This is the icing on the cake that you need to stand out. App review sites receive a large number of submissions every day, and cannot possibly write about all of them. By creating a short video of your app in action, you can quickly explain through motion and sound what makes your app unique. While it is optional, including a video when you ask for websites to review your app can help increase your chances of getting noticed by their editors.
Using these tips, you can be more confident that you have made your best case to the editors of review websites that they should write about your creation. By being featured on these popular websites, you might be surprised at how many new customers you can reach.
This article has been viewed 39 time(s).Article Submitted On: March 29, 2011
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